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7 Common Reasons People Get Divorced

7 Common Reasons for Divorce in New York | Hedayati Law Group | Call (516) 334-4100

There isn’t a state in the country anymore that actually requires you to have a very specific reason for filing for divorce. If you want your marriage to end, you can go ahead and file the paperwork on any grounds. But with hundreds of thousands of Americans divorcing each year, it begs the question, “Why?”

Based on numerous studies, here’s a list of the 7 most common reasons for divorce, in no particular order:

  1. No commitment: Feeling like one spouse isn’t actually committed to and actively working on the health of the marriage can quickly drive a stake between both spouses. Many surveyed divorcé(e)s will actually admit that they felt they, themselves, had not put enough effort into maintaining their own marriage.
  2. Arguments: Having a disagreement is one thing, having an argument is another thing altogether. Couples that argue often and feel like there is never an agreeable conclusion at the end are highly likely to end their marriage.
  3. Cheating: While infidelity is less common in marriages than arguments and emotional distances, it can be far more immediately damaging. When a spouse discovers that their husband or wife has cheated on them, the odds of a divorce soon after can be as high as 55%, according to a survey reported to MSN.
  4. Immaturity: Not necessarily speaking about psychological immaturity, but simply being too young can hamper a marriage’s chances. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually keeps track of divorce rates among age groups and determined that 50% of all teenage marriages will end within 15 years. Another large percentage of the marriages that remain after the 15 year cutoff will divorce eventually. When a couple waits until their mid-20s or later to marry, the odds of divorce drop considerably.
  5. High hopes: Entering into a marriage is certainly a time to be hopeful, but studies show that expecting too much positive change and not enough hardship can be devastating to the health of a marriage. It might be beneficial for people who have never been married before to talk to people who have been married for years about what they can actually expect to be different when the knot is tied.
  6. Lopsidedness: Nearly half of people getting divorced will cite a general lack of equality as part of their unhappiness. Responsibilities in the marriage need to feel balanced, or the person with the heavier burden, whether real or perceived, will eventually want out.
  7. Abuse: Domestic violence comes in various forms, such as physical, emotional, financial, and sexual. No matter how it is manifested, domestic violence is unacceptable. Spousal abuse, from hitting to aggressive shouting, can be linked to roughly 25% of all divorces. This percentage might be misrepresented, as an unknown number of domestic violence incidents never go reported due to the victim’s fear or intimidation. If you are suffering from domestic violence and have been placed in physical danger, please seek the authorities and the help you need to get to a safe space. Never do anything that jeopardizes your health and safety.

Do I Need to Say Why I Want a Divorce?

Now that you have an idea of seven of the most common reasons people file for divorce in America, will you need to put that knowledge to good use in your divorce filing? Not necessarily. As previously mentioned, you don’t need specific grounds for divorce in New York or any state. You can even file for a no-fault divorce that claims no one in particular is to blame, and that only “irreconcilable differences” pushed you two apart.

However, there is no harm in citing specific reasons for wanting to divorce. In fact, it could prove beneficial to your case. For example, if your spouse was abusive and you can prove it, the court would be far more likely to reward you child custody rights to keep your children away from a potentially dangerous individual.

If you live in New York and need help filing for divorce, Hedayati Law Group, P.C. can provide legal counsel backed by 100+ years of total experience. Our Long Island divorce attorneys are well-known for offering compassionate, knowledgeable, and directed advocacy and support that upholds the best interests of our clients, no matter the complexity of the case. Request a free consultation today.

May 29, 2024 – Al Hedayati, Esq.

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