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When Should I Get An Order Of Protection?

When Should I Get An Order Of Protection? Garden City, New York | Call (516) 334-4100

An Order of Protection is a court-issued decree meant to limit the behavior of a person who harms or threatens to harm another person. If you are in immediate physical danger from such a person, it is advised that you call 911 or seek the aid of law enforcement as soon as you can.

If a member of your family has hurt you or you are afraid they will soon, contact an attorney for help obtaining an order of protection from the court.

How an Order of Protection Works

Orders of protection address different types of issues regarding your personal safety.

Some examples are:

  • physical abuse: hitting, striking, or beating you or someone in your household
  • verbal abuse: insulting, demeaning, criticizing, or denouncing you or someone in your household
  • financial abuse: controlling all sources of income and property by not denying you or someone in your household access to important accounts

If you or anyone in your household (children, parents, grandparents, etc.) have been threatened or hurt in any of the above areas, you can seek an order of protection. Once obtained, this order will set specific restrictions on the abuser based on the types of abuse they are inflicting.

Order of protection restrictions include:

  • prohibiting the abuser from owning a gun;
  • staying away from every member of your household;
  • moving out of your home;
  • not contacting any member of your household; and
  • following custody or child support orders.

If your abuser disregards the restrictions of the order, you can call the police at any time. Any person found violating an order of protection can face criminal charges, even if they are not physically harming you or anyone in your household.

Contact Hedayati Law Group, P.c.

Hedayati Law Group, P.C. is a compassionate firm that will work to quickly gain your protective order as soon as we can. Our firm realizes the dangerous situation you and your household may be in and we will do everything we can to ensure your ongoing safety.

Call us today at (516) 334-4100 or contact us online for a confidential consultation.

May 29, 2024 – Al Hedayati, Esq.

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(516) 334-4100

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